Review Tincture London - Eco Friendly Cleaning Products for around the home - All Purpose Spray

Tincture London Eco Friendly Cleaning Products for around the home
I've been using eco friendly products around my home for years and I have some firm favourites on repeat purchase. I shall place links to my reviews at the end of this article. For me, one of the most common causes of allergic reactions has been household cleaning products. My allergy diagnosis to MI (Methylisothiazolinone) came much later in life but it certainly helped shed light on past situations. I'd reached the point where I had to ban the office cleaner from using their products on my desk due to experiencing itchy skin on my arms.

After following Tincture London on social media for a while I decided to give a couple of their products a try.  I bought trial sizes of the Glass Mirror Steel Tincture and All Purpose Tincture. Tincture London offer natural products that are vegan friendly, sustainable and biodegradable. Their white bottles are recyclable and you can purchase glass bottle refills. 

The All Purpose spray is a pleasant product with a gentle herbal scent. I've used it to clean a variety of surfaces in my home. Whilst it does a good job of removing dirt and grime I can't see it replacing my beloved Greenscents multi surface spray mainly as I prefer the scent options they offer. It's the Tincture London Glass Mirror Steel cleaner that won me over as it made light work of mirrors and windows. It's the first time I've found a natural products that doesn't smell strongly of vinegar or leave streaks requiring a bit too much elbow grease for my liking. I've cleaned bathroom accessories (steel towel rails and shower etc) that I never felt I could get sparkling clean. Also we have these awful sliding mirror doors to our wardrobe which pick up finger marks but it removed them with little effort on my part. I've been very impressed at the performance of this product.

Tincture London products do contain essential oil allergens but I can tolerate this in cleaning products. A product has to be repeatedly applied to my skin for it to be problematic and simply wearing rubber gloves is enough protection. I'm happy to recommend Tincture London and I'm going to invest in the full size of the Glass Mirror Steel cleaner. You can buy direct but I ordered from Content Beauty when I was stocking up on a skincare products.

Are you using eco-friendly cleaning products in your home? Any recommendations, aside from the trusted tradition of lemon, vinegar and bicarb?

Sarah x

Reviews for Eco-friendly products I already use around my home